29 May 2007

wut ţē hel iz rong wiţ mē?

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

mābē its bēcoz ī did ā longer ānd harder werkawt tūdā ţan yūжūul, but ī wuz līk ţis at ţe end uv ţe memorēūl dā wēkend tū. īm just in ā jenerulē bad mūd. īm not mī jōvēul self, ī dōnt wunt tū tolk (wel mābē tū wun persun), ī just wunt tū gō tū mī rūm, mābē woç ţu NBA plāofs.

ī mīt bē gōing tū aljērēu ugen tūmorō. ēven geting jobs ţrū mī hed kumpunē, ţā or stil sending mē tū krap plāsez. wen ī hav ā problem, ī wunt tū tolk tū her... and ī kant. īm not muç uv a tolker enēwāz, ī kēp it in, its mū ţing; ānd ēven ţō ī dōnt nō wuts rong, ī wunt tū tolk tū her, mābē şē kan figyer it awt. i mis ţu dālē kolz, ţu drunk dīūlz, ţu webkamz. e, ges īl just woç ţu gām. lāter.


luv, deţ , ānd ţē ēternūl persūt

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

it iz lāt, ubawt 2:30AM. ī just finişd woçing "the fountain" wiţ hyū jakman ānd raçel wīs. ī dū sā it iz umāzing. ţē īdēu uv dūing everēţing wun can for luv ānd lūzing it rīţ at ţē end is boţ romantik yet trajik. luv herts sumtīmz, bēing pawerles ugenst lūzing ţu wun yū luv kan hert mūr, but geting ţu çans tū trī ugen... tū rīt ţu rongz... inspīring. ţis sīkūl rēpēts ţrē tīmz in ţis mūvē, difikūlt tū sā haw suksesfūlē ţō in ēç iterāşun. ţu tīm kontinūitē mīt giv sum pēpūl sum boţer, but ī dōnt ţink it iz tū distrakting. çek it awt.

in uţer newz, ī herd frum jūlz in rēspons tū mī last ēmāl. nuţing muç new. īm hōping tū tok tū her at lēst for u bit on her berţdā sins ī cūdint bē thār in persun. :-( ţoz ar ţu termz for naw. wē ar stil planing on mēting up in solt lāk sitē for her frendz weding tū tok ubawt ţingz. īm hōping ţu gūd awtwāz ţu bad. ges wēl sē ţen. ī hav 4 wēks tū hit ţu loterē, get sum rok hard abz, but implants, mābē sum seksē peks tūspēk uv, ānd, u, ţats ubawt ol ī kan ţink uv. enē sugjesçunz bēsidz giving up? not an opşun at ţis tīm. lāter.


26 May 2007

mūr sūdō uprōprēut liriks

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

būş - gliserēn

Must be your skin that I'm sinkin in
Must be for real cause now I can feel
and I didn't mind
it's not my kind
not my time to wonder why
everything's gone white
and everything's grey
now your here now you away
I don't want this
remember that
I'll never forget where your at
don't let the days go by

I'm never alone
I'm alone all the time
are you at one
or do you lie
we live in a wheel
where everyone steals
but when we rise it's like strawberry fields

If I treated you bad
you bruise my face
couldn't love you more
you got a beautiful taste
don't let the days go by
could have been easier on you
I coudn't change though I wanted to
could have been easier by three
our old friend fear and you and me
glycerine (repeat)
don't let the days go by

I needed you more
when we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress
it might just be
clear simple and plain
that's just fine
that's just one of my names
don't let the days go by
could've been easier on you


luv yū bāb

21 May 2007

şort but swēt

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

wut kan ī dū but wāt fūr her, ēven wiţ ţē emptē spās şē lēvs. bāb, ī luv yū.

16 May 2007

tūsdā, 15-mā-07, 7:50AM (UTC)

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

it sēmz its bin ubawt u wēk, it sēmz sō muç longer. hēr ī sit dūing wut iz nesesarē tū get bī. ī rēlē dū hāt ţu persun yūv mād mē uv lāt. nuţing haz çānjd hēr bēsīdz ţu fakt ţat ī kant spēk tū yū. but ţat iz ā sērēus diferens. yū or mī kontakt, mī sumwun tū tok tū. ī olwāz wunt tū tel yū wut īv bin up tū. wu iz rong wiţ ţat? wī or yū sō skārd uv ţis. ţār iz nuţhing rong wiţ wut wē hav, awer luv, awer līfstīl izint īdēl, but it iz wut wē hav. īţer wā, wēkan māk dū, wē kan bē eksīted tū sē ēç uţer wen wē kan. eksotik lōkalz, forin plāsez. wē kan bē werld travūl luverz. ānd ī hāt ţat yū wōnt let mē dū ţat wiţ yū if yū let us gō. īm gōing tū rēd, īm tū angrē rīt naw. yā bēr.

īm rīting tū yū in mī būks, if ţis ever gets sorted yū mīt wunt tū rēd ţem, ţen ugen ī mīt not wunt yū tū. mis yū. 143.

14 May 2007

nō nūz iz... wel, nō nuz

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

not herd muç frum jūlz. wun ēmāl, raţer distensd (?), ī ges wūd bē wun wā tū diskrīb it... mābē. just ā bit uv ā kaç up, ī supōz. it wuz nīs tū hēr frum her ţō, dispīt ţu mekaniks uv it. ī fūrget haw long its bin sins wēv tolked. far tū long, uv kors, mābē u wēk? ī gō frum dēpresd tū ā sort uv num ublivēusnes. luvlē wā tū liv. wēl sē wut hapenz ţō. until ţen, wiş me luk.

11 May 2007

(non-zumel) sometimes country music just gets it right (particularly kenny chesney)

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

klik on ţu song tītūlz tū lisin tū ţu songs. ţā or rēlē gūd. ţes or ţu poēnyent parts uv ţu liriks. kīnd uv uprōprēut for mē rīt naw. ī mis mī bābē. tel mē wut yū ţink.

kenny chesney - being drunk's a lot like loving you

Being drunk's a lot like loving you
And I've woke up some mornings and sworn off the drink
And at that I've done reasonably well I think
But I haven't done well swearing off you and me
At that I fail miserably
Well I drank 'til I stumbled
I loved 'til I fell
When the drunk part was over love hurt me like hell
Well I know about drinking
So I know one thing's true
Being drunk's a lot like loving you
Though I know what a taste what the wrong love can do
Sometimes I still get drunk loving you

kenny chesney - when i think about leaving

You know some times me and my lady have these crazy fights and when we do it makes me wonder
Are we're ever gonna get it right ...

... You know the truth is, most of the time things were really great and I know we got something
When I think about leaving I think about us
How we build this love we share on faith and trust, honest way we talk, tender way we touch,
All those nights we spent making love,
When I think about leaving oh I think about us

08 May 2007

a non-zumel post

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ī hav ţu best nak at fīnding ţu mōst uprōprēut song tū fit ā sad ōkaжun. hēr or sum eksepts frum sum songs ţat fit mē pritē gūd. ţat pritē muç sez it ol. ţanks brad. (you can click on the title to hear the songs that are talking to me lately, they REALLY are worth a listen).

brad paisley - holdin' on to you

In a downtown restaurant with a friend of a friend
Well she sure likes to talk and I ain't heard a single word she's said

Oh, but every now and then I nod
And I pretend to pay attention
And I say things like, "uh huh"
And, "yeah, you're right" and "are you kiddin'"
And I laugh when it seems
Like the right thing to do
It's hard to hold a conversation
Holdin' on to you

brad paisely - rainin' you

If I had my way
It would do this every day
I would never see the sun
Because the closest I get
To holding you again
Is every time that sky opens up

lets tāk u lūk at ţu kards

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

after rownd wun, şē iz up on mē 10 tū 9. wē tokd on ţu fōn for kwīţ ā wīl ţis ēvening. it wuz tuf, īm not tū prowd tū sā ī crīd at tīmz. şē nēdz tīm tū bē herself. dōnt nō haw long, īl let her dū ţu coling, dōnt wunt tū pūş ferţer uwā. ī kant vizit dōho wen īm dun hēr tū cudūl mī wā owt uv ţis.

"tīm" skārz mē. wenever mī gerlfrendz hav wunted tīm, it wuz tīm tū bak uwā frum ţe siçūāşun u bit, sō az not tū hert īţer persun sō muç. ī dōnt nō wut els tū dū. nīţer uv us wunts tū lēv awer jobz, but it sēmz distans iz ţe ēvil-dūer hēr.

ī trīd everēţing ī cūd. ī ges īl fīnd owt if it wuz enuf tū paç us up in ā fyū wēks. until ţen mī mīnd gets tū develup milyuns uv ofūl senarēōs ānd liv ţem nītlē. blast. wē tokd, ānd ţār wer ţings ţat ī didint rēulīz had ufected her sō muç (ēven ţō at ţu tīm, şe eksplisitlē sed ţā did - boēz ar dum). īm lisening naw, ānd hōping it is not tū lāt. tū parufrāz jak nikōlsun (ţu crāzē gī frum "az gūd az it getz"), şē māks mē wunt tū bē ā beter man. ī hōp ī get ţu çans naw.

wut suks iz ţis izint ēven ā bad long distens rēlāşunşip, wē ugrēd it iz ā gūd long distens rēlāşunşip, but ţār iz wun comun ţēm... long distens. FUK!!! wē luv ēç uţer but dū wē luv ēç uţer ēnuf tū lēv jobz wē luv? ānd wūd wē bē hapē if wē did. şe sed everēţing wil bē ōkā. it felt gūd tū hēr ţat, but ţen ugen, pretē muç ol ţings or ōkā given enuf tīm... ānd naw ī hāt mīself for ţinking ţat.

07 May 2007

ţu long wāt

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

sō ţats ol ī kan dū for naw. ī nēd tū giv her spās tū ţink, but ī dōnt wunt tū. ī wunt tū tok ānd jōk ānd kompliment her; ī wunt tū hēr ubowt her dā, ī wunt tū tel her ī luv her ol ţu tīm, but ī kant... not rīt naw. sō ī wāt. īv tāken tū rīting a jernūl, uv sorts, in werd ţat īl send tū her wen şē wunts tū tok ugen.

īv lost mī apetīt pritē muç, īm tīerd, ţis suks. ī wuz hōping wiţ her ī wūdint hert līk ţis enēmūr. şēz ţu wun, if şēl hav mē. sad sad mē. wiş mē luk.

06 May 2007

wāting, werēing, wundering

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

its skarē. ī mīt bē lūzing ţu best ţing ţat haz ever hapund tū mē. it kīndu kām owt uv ţu klēr blū, for mē, at lēst. suç iz līf, ī supōz. īv definutlē not givin up, not on ţis. itz tū importint. sō tuf tū tāk kār uv sō far uwā, yu nō?

īm rīting ţis hēr bēcoz ī dōnt wont menē pēpūl tū rēd ţis. ī dōnt wunt ţe īdēu ţu gō urownd līk wīldfīr, mābē ī şūdnt ēvin rīt ţis at ol, but ī nēded tū tok tū sumwun/sumţing, and ţar iz wun les persun ī kan tok tū naw, at lēst for a litūl wīl. ī luv her, and ī dōnt wunt tū stop māking memurēz wiţ her.

itz sō tuf not bēing ābūl tū tok wiţ her. ī olwāz lūkd forwerd tū toking tū her on ţu fōn evrē dā, ēmāling her, sēing her wiţ awer webkamz. now ţat ī kant, ī wunt tū dū sō ol ţu mor. ī kēp wunting tū ēmāl her ōver and ōver. tū let her nō haw ī fēl, haw muç ī mis her and nēd her.

bāb, ī wunt yū, ī nēd yū, wē or sō gūd tūgeţer. ī wunt tū bē hēr for yū. plēz. ī luv yū. and ī dowt yūl sē ţis, but ugan, ī had tū get it owt. 143