07 August 2008

ī just sō dōnt wunt tū dū ţis

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

īv never rēlē bēn interested in mārij bēfor. īd ţot uv it wiţ past gerlfrendz but never az sērēuslē az wiţ her. ānd ţen it ol fel uport. wēv bēn up lāt pretē muç everē nīt, tolking, uvūēding tolking, reminising, lafing ānd krīing. itz bin tuf. i hōp ugenst hōp ţat ţings wil werk awt, sumţing īd never hav imajind in ţu past. şēl sē ţu arors uv her wāz, īl clōn a nū brān ţat kan handūl ţis. ī kan hōp, ānd i nēd tū. wē or embarking on a nū ānd strānj perveжun uv ā rēlāşunşip fūr ţu tīm-bēing.

it herts sō bad tū lūz sumţing sō osome tū sumţing sō stūpid.


Blogger J Ho said...

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —President George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

5:35 PM  
Blogger slyght said...

ī nō, ī rēlē dū, ī nō. ī never ţot īd bē in ţis pōzişun. ţanks, ī nō

1:15 AM  

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