10 April 2006

unuţer dā of

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ţat'z tū sundāz in u rō. haw osum iz ţat? ī got tū slēp in, had ā fyū bērz, met up wiţ emu and ţe olstum tē āz tū gō tū ţe bēç. mūr on ţat ōver at nōmadik tendensēz. it'z tū muç tū rīt līk ţis.

but it wuz ā grāt dā of. naw bak tū ţe grīnd. ī'm not çeking for tīpōz ţis tīm bēcoz it iz lunç-tīm and ī'm starving. mābē ī'l çek it lāter.


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