15 June 2007

keith urban - "i told you so"

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

hēz not ţu mōst maskyūlin uv kuntrē myūsik cawbūyz (hēz frum ostralēu), but hē skūrd nikōl kidmun, sō hē must hav sum skilz wiţ ţu werdz. hērz hiz lātest vid ānd liriks.

You said you needed your space
I wasn't where you wanted to be
I didn't stand in your way
I only want you to be happy
And so how surprised am I to see you here tonight

Oh can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together
Please just come back home
No don't say that you're sorry
And I won't say I told you so

Sometimes in our life
We get to where we wonder if
The long road that we're on
Is headin' in the same direction
Well when it comes to you and me
We're right where I know we should be

Oh can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together
Please just come back home
No don't say that you're sorry
And I won't say I told you so

Somtimes it's like we're deep in nothing but love
The slightest thing can grow so foolishly
Remind me please
Oh can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together
Please just come back home
No don't say that you're sorry
You don't gotta say you're sorry baby
Oh can't you see
That for worse or for better we're better together
Please just come back home
No don't say that you're sorry
And I won't say I told you so
And I won't say I told you so
But I told you so
Shoulda known better than to leave me baby
Shoulda known better than to leave me darlin'

143 babalū


for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

yūr shert smeld līk yū tūdā. it iz fāding, ī am sadend. mābē u rēçarj iz in ţu fyūçer. yū nō haw ī hāt ţu hēt but īd bē bī yūr sīd in ā hartbēt, ţār servīving it. līk indēu. gūdnīt mī swēt. haw ī ţink uv yū often.

ī wunder haw wun mīt tel sōber zakunēs frum drunken? ī ţink, ānd ī ţink, ānd ī ţink. 143.

az ţu dāz pas, mī hōp (ānd fēr) grō

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

mī dāz, mī konşusnes or sō mesd up. sumtīmz ī ţink wē kan pūl tis of, everēţing wil bē OK. ī luv her ānd şe luvs mē, ānd ţat iz āhel uv ā start. ţen uţer tīmz ī ţink uv ţu luvlē werdz ţat hav gon uwā dering ţis tīm. ţu bēyūtifūl werdz wēd şārd sō menē dāz ānd nīts, tūgeţer, upart, on ţu fōn, on ţu kumpyūter, wisperz in ţe ēr wīl foling uslēp. şez tāken ţem uwā. iz it distens tū end it? is it tū test mī strengţ at not hēring ţem? iz it tempōrarē tū sē haw it fēlz tū not sā ţem? ūr duz şe not fēl for mē enēmor? i mis ţem. ţā sawnded sō swēt of her tung, ānd rōld sō ēzilē frum mīn at ţu vārē ţot uv her. i mis sāing ţem.

its just strānj haw yūsd tū ţingz yū kan get ţat, yū stil uprēşēāt ţem but dōnt nesesarilē sāver ţem. jūlz ānd ī IMd yūжūulē everē dā or tū, wēd trī tū tolk on ţu fōn ubawt az often. drunk dīlz wer fun, u voēsmāl wāting fūr mē wen ī land sumwār nū. īd bē eksīted tū hav mī fōn ring, hōping it wuz her, tū çek mī ēmāl hōping tū hēr ubawt her dā.

ī got yūsd tū ţat. having sumwun tū şār ţōs ţings wiţ. it wuz fun, it wuz nīs. ţings or difrent naw, weţer permunent or not iz yet tū bē sēn. not şor if şe kan bē wun ōver, rēmīnded uv haw gūd ţōs fēlingz wer. not şor if wē kan bē salvajd. ī hōp ugānst hōp, ugānst frendz, ugānst advīs, posiblē ēven gūd jujment, but wen yū fīnd sumţing ţis preşus, ţis... umāzing, sumtīmz its werth ţē efert, ēven if yū hav tū lūk līk ā fūl. īm not ā normūl man, but şes not ā normūl lādē īţer. ī ţink ţats OK. ī hōp şe duz tū. ī wiş ţār wuz sumţing ī kūd dū. ī nēd tū prepār fūr ţu werst, but hōp fūr ţu best. its an unplezunt, pānfūl wor gōing on insīd mē, ānd ī dōnt nō wut īl dū in īţer kās.

sō īl bē mē. bāb, ī luv yū. ī mis yū. ţats ol ī kan dū frum hēr, but giv mē ā çans, wē or wunderfūl ānd kan bē sō muç mūr.


12 June 2007

u nōt

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ī hāt not bēing ābūl tū tolk tū yū. ţat wuz olwāz ţu hīlīt uv mī dā, geting tū kaç up wiţ wut wē had dun. ī nēd mī fiks. ī log on tū sāmtīm just tū sē yūr nām wen ī hav nuţing tū dū. i mis yū foling uslēp on ţu fōn, yūr slēp tolk. ānd uv ol ţu tīmz īv wunted tū tolk tū yū dering ţis tīm, īm ufrād īl hav nuţing tū sā wen wē nekst sē ēç oţer. ī mis yū. ī mis tolking tū yū. ī mis awer kontakt. wun for ţre.

09 June 2007

mūr luv pōetrē

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ī līk it ānd ī dōnt kār. rōmans iz not ā bad ţing. luv iz not ā bad ţing, nor iz werēing ubawt lūzing it. hē spēks tū jūlz for mē. şez mī frend but sō muç mūr. ī sēm tū hav lost mī myūz, mī werdz, sō īl borō hiz. but substitūt "gerlfrend" fūr frend at ţē end. ha!

"love" bī roy croft.
I love you,
Not only for what you are,
But for what I am
When I am with you.

I love you,
Not only for what
You have made of yourself,
But for what
You are making of me.
I love you
For the part of me
That you bring out;
I love you
For putting your hand
Into my heaped-up heart
And passing over
All the foolish, weak things
That you can’t help
Dimly seeing there,
And for drawing out
Into the light
All the beautiful belongings
That no one else had looked
Quite far enough to find.

I love you because you
Are helping me to make
Of the lumber of my life
Not a tavern
But a temple;
Out of the works
Of my every day
Not a reproach
But a song.

I love you
Because you have done
More than any creed
Could have done
To make me good
And more than any fate
Could have done
To make me happy.
You have done it
Without a touch,
Without a word,
Without a sign.
You have done it
By being yourself.
Perhaps that is what
Being a friend means,
After all.

ī karē yūr hort bī ē.ē. kumingz

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

e.e. cummings

07 June 2007

dam yū bryan adams

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

naw sērēuslē, ţis wuzint mī folt. īv bin pritē gūd at geting ţu sām songs stuk in mī hed, mōst īv pōsted hēr bēcoz ţā wer relevent, ī kant get buckcherry - "crazy bitch" awt uv mī hed. ī dōnt līk ţu band but ţat song iz grāt... mmm skraçez dawn mī bak. enēwāz, please forgive me popd intū mī hed awt uv nōwār. ī wuz trīing tū bē dun wiţ ţu liriks ţing, but its rēlē not mī folt. bryan adams tāks mē bak tu ţē anand regency in indēu. ţu hōtel bor plād bryan adams - "summer of '69" lōds ub tīmz. stil, its uprōprēut.

luv bī pablo neruda

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

īv never rēlē red muç uv poblō nerūdu. ī dōnt nō spaniş wel ēnuf tū rēd ţu ōrijinūl, ānd ī figyerd ţu translāşunz wūld tāk uwā frum ţu pōetrē. granted ī havent red ā substançūl kros-sekşun uv hiz werk but ī bēlēv ţis pōem mīt ōpen mē up tū hiz werk.


Because of you, in gardens of blossoming flowers I ache from the
perfumes of spring.
I have forgotten your face, I no longer remember your hands;
how did your lips feel on mine?
Because of you, I love the white statues drowsing in the parks,
the white statues that have neither voice nor sight.
I have forgotten your voice, your happy voice; I have forgotten
your eyes.
Like a flower to its perfume, I am bound to my vague memory of
you. I live with pain that is like a wound; if you touch me, you will
do me irreparable harm.
Your caresses enfold me, like climbing vines on melancholy walls.
I have forgotten your love, yet I seem to glimpse you in every
Because of you, the heady perfumes of summer pain me; because
of you, I again seek out the signs that precipitate desires: shooting
stars, falling objects.

05 June 2007

ī ţink ţis mīt bē ţu last lirik pōst

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

blake shelton - don't make me

ī rēlē dōnt ţink ī kūld pūţ it beter ţan ţis song. its līk 90% ţu wā īm fēling. wut kan ī sā? īm teling yū, kuntrē myūsik haz ā song fūr everēţing. hēr or ţu liriks.

hē haz unuţer song in ā similer vān kold "austin". ī didint rēlāt tū ţat song wen it cām awt. ī mīt naw. hērz ţu vidēō. ī dōnt ţink yūgīz nēd ţu liriks az muç az ī dū. hōp yū līk ţem. drop mē sum koments.

blake shelton - austin

02 June 2007

ā difrent verжun uv mī storē

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ī just herd ţis song on kunādēun rādēo. its bī ţu plain white T's called "hey there delilah". ī just hav a nak for fīnding ţēz songs uv lāt. its ā gift ānd ā kers.

liriks     song

ī partikyūlarlē līk:
A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

26 dāz tū long, for an unōn verdikt. 143.

yū gesd it, mūr liriks, sorē

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

ī wōnt list ţem ol hēr, az ţā or geting long, but īl link.

3 doors down - here without you (this one fits very well)

diamond rio - love a little stronger    liriks     song

here ţōs on ţu rādēō tūdā on ţu wā tū werk. kuntrē myūsik iz pritē gūd at helping wun stā dēpresd.

ō! ānd hēr iz ā luv pōem ī fawnd onlīn. ţār wer severūl mūr, but ţis wuz gūd. rēmīndz mē uv tolking wiţ stedmun.

143 babalū

01 June 2007

kant kēp mī īz ōpen

for assistance in how to read ZUMEL/zacanese, check out the first post here

īm sō tīred, ānd ī rēulīzd, its ţē īdūl tīm ţat kilz mē. ī wunt nuţing mor ţan tū gō tū slēp in mī bed bak at ţe hōtel, but īm ufrād ī wōnt bē ābūl tū. wen its kwīet, nō wun tū tolk tū, ōnlē mī hed... ţen īm dūmd. hōpfūlē īm rekd ēnuf sō ţat ī wōnt hav tīm tū tīnk. 27 dāz until ī fīnd awt wut iz left uv us, wut iz gōing on.